Strange Day
It was a strange day today. The club where I work (The Podshow Brothel) is relocating to the Podshow Island. So tonight when I went the place had already been cleared out. The only things left were the tip jars and a few pictures on the wall.
It was eerie too because it was just that day that miss Britney gave me a tip jar to place in the club - and she even put $20 in herself.
So I decided to "make the rounds" so to speak and visit a few of the dance clubs that I work at from time to time. Unfortunately, they were all dead. Vixen's Sky Club was empty, but too often it is. Usually though if I hang around long enough someone will show up, but not last night. Miss Vix is preparing a series of parties to help boost the clientele and it is a very new club, so I still have high hopes for it.
At some point miss magicstar called and asked for my picture to put up on the wall with all of the rest of the girls. This was great news - I started working on a trial basis just to see if I liked it, and quickly found that the girls and the guests were all so nice. So I had made up my mind quickly to stay and her request meant that they had made of their minds to keep me on.
So I headed on over to the new place to check it out and see my picture. What a surprise to find that mine was placed right there along with all the other ladies. After all, I am the new girl and I fully expected to be placed over off to the side or something...

I did however receive a call from miss Megan. Miss Megan works at the Barbie Club - a very busy, very stylish dance club. She's not really my Mistress but I consider her to be out of respect and gratitude. As much as I wouldn't mind it, that sort of thing just doesn't seem to be in her nature. She treats me more as a friend and equal which is different for me, but quite nice.
Unfortunatly, she only had about 1/2 hour to shop with me before she had to head on to work. I showed her quickly a new spot I had found that would be opening soon, and then we parted. I was suppose to stop by Barbie later that night, but I headed home and ended up falling alseep in front of the television.
All in all, not an exciting evening in Second Life.
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